How to Draw Boys Not Anime

Updated July 25, 2022 by

Welcome to another tutorial about drawing anime characters . For this one, we will try to draw a male character that is probably around the age of a high schooler instead of Chibi anime characters . So, I'm sure you're already thinking about some anime characters like Usui Takumi , Yuuji Itadori , Rin Okumura , and well, the list goes on but you get my point .

But before that, I'm just going to remind you that this is a process and you don't have to get flustered if you don't get it right the first time. Try getting into the mood for drawing and start at your own pace. You can take several breaks while doing the art and always get back to it once you start to get that flow of creativity .

So, in this blog, we are going to attempt to draw the face and head of an anime boy in 8 easy steps . If you're bringing out your papers and art materials, then remember to keep your sketches light so you'll have a more manageable process once you get to the lining of your work. But if you're learning digital art , you can try to get acquainted with using different layers and tools.


1. Sketching The Head

We start sketching a circle and the other guidelines so we'll be able to know where the features are going to be placed. Next, try drawing the jawline below the circle until you reach the tip of the vertical line. The tip there is the chin and this will help us see whether the face is just right or if we need to tweak it a bit.

(Remember to use light strokes so it'll be easier to erase later on.)

Now let's try drawing the profile of the character, so we can also practice how perspectives work. We again start with a circle and a vertical line across the circle. This will help map the placement of the chin and the ear in this perspective. Try eye-balling where the chin and nose would go to get a general view of how the face looks. You can tweak it a bit just to make it not look awkward.

Tip: You can also imagine that the shape of the head can be somewhat of an egg . Oh, don't forget to add the neck so it'll keep reminding you that we're drawing a head.

2. Adding Ears

The ears are seated just above the jaw of the character. Draw a horizontal line right between the other two lines, and that is how long the ears will be. You can sketch it like a wing of a butterfly or like the letter c .

For the side-view version, the ear is nestled between the jaw and the neck, it sits right above those features . You can first sketch an oval to help you shape out the ear before really drawing it. We can add the details later during the outlining.

3. Locating The Eyes

The ear placement is a big indicator for the eyes because the top of the ear is a marker where the character's eyes should be placed, and the bottom tip of the ear can be a marker for the nose .

Remembering those markers, we can draw additional horizontal lines across the face to get an estimated size of the eyes . After that, you can go ahead and draw the kind of eyes you'd like.

Tip: You can try drawing the shape of the eye first and then proceed to add the details. In addition, the eyes are one eye-ball apart, so if the placement looks weird just adjust it a bit.

Also, you can use other references for the eyes, if you want them to look more youthful , more square-shaped , or perhaps similar to your favorite characters .

4. Drawing The Nose

Right, now onto the nose ! This is an important step because the nose can either make your drawing wholesome and complete or… it'll be weird and just make the whole drawing go down the drain . Coming from my experience, trust me. But have no fear, for we will journey this hurdle together!

The nose is the most important part, but don't get stressed ! It's important to know the different ways of drawing the nose so you'll be able to find which one is comfortable to draw and, well, whichever makes your drawing look nice to you. This is also important that you're doing this art for your practice and for you, don't get hung up on if people will like it. Focus on your growth and on your art.

5. Adding The Mouth

When drawing the mouth , it's important to put it in an area where there is enough space for the chin and the nose . Also, the mouths are usually drawn without the outline of a lip . But it is understood that the spaces above and below the mouth are the lips. But, like all the features in the face, there are other ways to draw the mouth of the characters. So, I suggest you try experimenting with different ways until you find whichever is appealing to you.

For the side-view version, you need to draw the lips of the character or you can also choose not to. This is usually a preference so it depends on the artist and their kind of art style.

6. Shaping The Hair

Ah, to be honest, drawing the hair for me was difficult at first. So don't worry if you also find this difficult. The best way for drawing the hair is to know what kind of shape you want it to look, adding the necessary and desired details are just to follow. It's a little easier to explain in illustration so here's a breakdown for ya:

You can also try using other anime characters or people as a general reference for drawing the hair. Also, I'm going to add that it's okay to try tracing certain parts of the face for practice . Tracing helps you map out the character in general BUT please don't plagiarize any art . This is for your growth , so try tracing and practicing until you feel like you've got it down.

7. Doing the Outline

Outlining is my favorite process of drawing because we get to re-draw it with a fine-point pen (or an inking brush) to get cleaner lines. Remember, do not outline the sketched guidelines , those are to be erased after the lining.

You can add more details while outlining as this gives you an almost finished look of the drawing . You'll be able to see which parts should have thicker lines or thinner lines.

Tip: Try to do the outlining in one steady stroke . This will ensure that the lines are clean and free from weird shapes. Don't worry if you'll make a mistake, you're still practicing after all! Just try to keep it steady and soon, you'll be outlining like a pro!

8. Adding Some Color

Sometimes…some drawings are better left untouched you know? Uncolored … and… Well—if you have some reservations about coloring like me, then you'll understand the struggle. But, let's go over this part together and try to learn from this. This particular coloring/shading technique is called " Cel Shading " where you color or shade certain areas that are separated by a line. These colors are normally just one shade of color —in professional terms, "with no gradients. "

So you can go ahead and color your drawing and add some other details that you might want to add. You have the option to re-line your work if you want to add some emphasis on certain parts.

And if you're up to the challenge , you can add some shading to some parts for the shadows or maybe put on some blush or highlights on certain places.

Oh, and well if you're not into the coloring , we can try shading with a pencil or filling in some parts with your black pen. Whichever you try out, just make sure you're having fun with what you're doing.


It's now time to admire your piece of art and give yourself a pat on the back for doing something productive today. Remember, don't get upset if you're not happy with your work because this is practice . Let drawing become a safe space for you to learn and express yourself.

You can continue to look for other tutorials to get the basics down and just have fun with everything! If you've enjoyed this tutorial, maybe you can check out some others and give them a try… or if you're taking some downtime, why not explore our website and head on over to the recommendations for your daily dose of anime content! Oh and if you have some tips of your own, leave them down below!


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